Friday 5 September 2008

Its been a while...............................

well certainly has been a while since posting!

we have an new addition to the family, paul reckons he couldn't resist him, altough im not sure of him but am sure he will grow on me he is just so tiny, he is a horned lizard and rare! Paul and his sister has named him Damien,
as u can tell he already been out and had his pics taken
I was at the edinburgh festival fireworks on sunday 31st August despite the fact it was heaving it was good, i really enjoyed the music but have decided princess street isnt the answer for the best pictures as the fireworks are let off from the front of the castle so we get loads of effect from the smoke but still pretty good effects
have to re think my plan for next year

finally i entered a pet comptition and am so chuffed as two of my pets have made it to the top 12(in differet caterogies so im pleased just need everybody to support ,me and help me win now
this is merlin he in top finalist for best looking other pet
and this is pliskin


Angela said...

pics are great.

Not too sure about that snake, lol!

Unknown said...

Great pic of Edinburgh Castle at night and the Fireworks,also great photo of your Bearded Dragon.